So you know how I am about my nails, I decided to go get my nails done so that I shake the horrid weekend I had off. I decided to I decided to invite an associate to keep the day interesting. I realized that I changed a lot about myself.What made me realize it was her actions and my actions are totally different. We use to be really close to the point that we acted just alike but now that I decieded to stop talking to her we act so different. I am much more focused than she is, maybe its because im a senior but she definitly doesnt care much about anything but boys. Well I hope all is well with her.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
The Christmas I will never forget
I thought Christamas ever was bad but, CHRISTMAS WAS THE WORST!. After having christmas dinner with my grandmother in New Jersey, my aunt decides so fall and hit her head on the walk way leading to the street where my uncle parked. So my uncle acted like she dwas about to die or something and rushed her to the hospital. I was acting normal because She could've done much but scrapped some skin off her face and Once we arrived at the hospital I was right. She scrapped a great deal of skin off her face but she wasnt dead so I didn't care about much of nothing else. We arrived at the hospital at 8 and didnt leave until 3 a.m. All she did was scrap her face and sprang her wrist and shes acting like she actually broke something or died and came back. She acting like a big baby and it makes me so mad. I got hit by a car, rolled off and got back up even though i spranged my ankle and my wrist.She need s to suck it up and stop acting like she about to die. This is by far the worst christmas I have ever had and I swear I will not be home for New Years.
Christmas Eve brunch!
Due to the no cell phone rule during family time I couldnt take a picture of this special momment.
Ususally we have brunch on christmas at my Auntie Barbra house but, this year we decided to have brunch on christmas eve because some of us were traveling for the holidays. After we ate, opened presents and alcohol got into my family systems things turned for the worst. People started arguing and fusing and it was really funny to me. I found out my Auntie Barbra is a lesbian, My Aunt Tanya isnt who she portray herself to be, My Uncle keith is having an affaair with this women at his job ( I kind of figured that), and they only reason my Aunt decided to adopt me was because she wanted to take all the credit for my graduation. So as you can my family is something else. I had my mom on my auntie barbra's house phone the whole entire time so she could here this argument. Once that comment about me came up she was pissed and she started cursing through the phone and I just sat there. I didnt know what else to do put sit there. I was pissed and amused all at the same time because most of the comments that was said I already kind of figured it.
MOM'S birthday
So when I got home from school, I was anxious to call me mom to sing her happy birthday. To my surprise she was answer the phone sounding like she was sleeping. I ended up just telling her happy birthday and she said thank you but also told me that today was her day to rest. I was as confused as I could ever be. My mom always go out to what she calls "the hole in the wall" (club for older people) to celebrate her birthday. She always gets her hair and nails done so she can be sexy for her party but she said this year, she wasnt doing anything but sleeping. I guess she lost her partygirl through this year. Well its her day and she can do anything she wants.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
So I decided to bake brownies as a gift to Atlas for ending the year in first place. I believe that everybody should be commended on succes and Atlas definitely deserves this gift. Even though they have gotten on my last nerve with their cocky attitudes I think im doing whats right. I hope this will influence the house of Themis to get the ball back in the court. We need to win this competition and I'm going to do all I can so that Themis get's that trophy. I hope my house members know that we can't sit on our butts and expect we're going to when that trouphy we have to work harder than any other house.
Getting to know hampton university
The one thing I took from lindsey's presentation on Hampton University was being in a new surronding with new people you dont know. I have a really hard time adapting to new surrondings where I dont know any one and especially not being close to my family. The action plan I will take when entering the college of my choice is have an open mind. I have to be open to getting to know new people and attend social events. A barrier that might cause my action plan to fail is, me putting myself in a shell because im shy when it comes to being in new surronding. The Benefits of seeing my action would be teaching me how to interact with all sorts of different people and there different personalites.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Artistic abilites
So over the summer, a piece of my artwork has been sitting in an art show. Before taking Ms. Stokes fundamentals of art class, I wasnt sure of my that I could draw or had any artistic abilites for that matter. As the school year went by my artistic abilites began to become better and better. Ms. Stokes as taught me so much about the aristic side of me and that I never even know about myself. I really wish she still taught here at New Town so that she can bring at the artist abilites out in others.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
My awesome christmas tree.
When I walked in the house I came across a undecorated christmas tree. This makes me angry because I don't undersand why.Then it came to mind that my aunt is distastfully lazy so I decided to just go ahead and decorate. After decorating the tree she decided to come and bash my creativity. This made angry to the point that I could pick her up and through her out of a window. Luckly for her i just smiled and took her opinion. Overall I think I did well because I was restricted of creativity because my aunt has no fun creative ornaments or colored decorations. She better be thankful and be quit smh
So nothing really happens on Sunday's. We usually just go to church and go back home which I've decided to call a prison. It's not because I'm or anything, its just because im always laying down doing absolutly. My aunt is always tired in which I don't know why because she doesnmt work. My uncle usually use Sunday as his relaxation day. So these leaves me bored in the house eating and getting :(
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Today is going to be a bad day!!!!!
Today I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed because everybody is pissing me off. My aunt is reminding me of mess that I clearly dont need to be reminded about, my uncle is being a pain because her keeps turning off the wifi, and my mom is taking her time with semd ing my phone when i already paid for it out of my own money. They wonder why I always say " I can only deoend on myself and God because if it was up to anybody else nothing would be accomplished. I'm not stressed as of the momment which is good because every time I get stressed I break out in hives. So im trying to keep myself at a minimum level of stress but, I can't contain it unless I have some type of support at home. Which is another key problem. I've been doing everything on my own, buy food for myself' paying for college application, etc. Its like as soon as I became a senior they decided to cut me off like it was cool. My mom can't do to much because she lives in North Carolina and has other thing she needs to take care of and my dad has to deal with his baby-mommy drama so I can't do much of anything except pray. I hope by graduation everything will be okay and work out for the best
After missing practice Thursday, I was excited to be reunited with my team (even though my team includes, Amber, Kendyl, Bria, and Tia) and excited to cheer at the game. What I didnt know was, the team had their first lemon squeeze ( when you tell your team how you feel about a situation or about somebody) and things went for the worst. Good thinng I wasnt there because instead of bring us togther it ripped us even further apart. We are already seperated into little cliques. Its my stunt group plus a few against the whole team. I personally didnt feel that way until, I was being helpfull but my helpfulness wasn't wanted. The bad thing was she got really smart with me and i just kept a smile on my face but in my mind I wanted to slap the mess out of her. I'm not a violent person but when you piss me off, it's never a good out come. So sadly we didnt get to cheer but luckly we have a team meeting on tuesday so we can sort things out.
I HATE THE DENTIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I absolutely positively hate going to the dentist. Especially when I have to go get cavities filled. When the dentist seen me i wan anticipating the horrid needle to go in my mouth in order to get numbed for the feeling. I had already tensed my muscles to prepare myself what was in store. He kept shaking my cheek, why? I have no clue but, It was really creepy. I didnt see the needle enter my mouth but, I felt the medicine being injected into my cheek muslces. It was the most horrid feeling in the world. I don't know what they thought they were numbing but it definitely wasnt my cheek. I felt everytime he stuck that needle in my cheek. And yes, I was in the dentist office crying. I absolutley hate needles to the up most highest power. I rather take a big horse pill then a needle any where on my body.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Cricket lab
So today we did a lab in class measuring the CO2 level. We put the crickets in 3 different temperatures of water; ice cold, room temperature, and hot. To my suprise some of the crickets died in the ice cold water. I was thinking that they could survive in cold water being that they are cold blooded. They actually released more CO2 in the room temperature water than in the hot water which was also a surprise. This lab helped me realize so much about crickets and how they survive in different surrondings. I'm excited for our lab tomorrow even though it's suppose to be more difficult and im ready to take on the challange.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Blog convosation
So this picture definitely explains how I feel about the the talk we had today with Carney about our blogs. What really makes upset is that I was giving the chance to voice my opinion when I had my hand raised. What I wanted to state was that I thought these blogs were a way to showcase our transition from high school seniors to college freshman. I didnt think we were suppose to recieve grades based on punctuation, spelling, etc. That fact that we were given a chance to do this project and be able to look back and see how I transitioned, made me excited to do it. I didnt expext to be graded hardly on them. I dont think thats fair to us. Im sure you dont really care whats fair as long as we get the work done and done the way you want. I personally think that these blogs are BS because of all the elements your trying to include with these blogs.
New Hair :)
My Aunt and Uncle attending my cousin in laws soul train birthday party but, I couldnt go because I was stuck babysitting other people kids. I hate when my aunts volunteers me to babysit like I don't have a life, she doesnt all the time and then the parents dont expect to pay me. I swear nothing in this world is free. I have responsibilites that I need to taken care of and because I dont have a job I need to do all Ican to take get this money. I decided to help my aunt detangle her wig even though she gets on my last nerve. My mom always tell me to just go with the flow and play it cool because it will be june before you know it. And she's abosolutly right, but sometime my Aunt make me wanna push her down the steps. I know I sound like a bully right now but, you wont be able to feel my pain until you stay with her.
I was finally able to apply to Bowie State, by which I paid for the application myself. I have no support from my Aunt or Uncle soI've been doing absolutly everything on my own. I'm awaiting the day of my graduation so that I can see how my Aunts going to act and if she going to try and take full credit of success. I know graduation is suppose to be a happy and special, which it is, but its going to give me a chance to see everyones true colors. Anyway, I need to find another school to apply to. I don't really know where to apply to though. I've figured out my major and all that good stuff but, I cant find the fifth college to apply to. I was going to apply to Morgan but, everyone was telling me that there is always someone being killed and thats what scares me. I think my might still apply anyway.
Friday, December 9, 2011
THIS DAY HERE *shakes my head*
So this D in AVID is really not acceptable. I dont have the money to apply to 5 schools so I dont think I should be pentalized for it. I'm really disappointed right now and hurt. This D is causing me my laptop and a spot on the cheerleding team. So I thought, I used my skill of persuasion and keep my spot on the team but my laptop is being taken away but only on the weekend and that's cool.
Awwwwwww. Im so cute. So today I thought I would take pcitures in my uniform to prep for the team pictures tomorrow. I'm really excited about making the team. Its a lot of fun although the team is seperated in to two cliques. Coach was thinking about doing secret santas but she feels like we all hate each other. I think the idea of the secret santa will brings all of us together and we can get a better understanding of each other. The whole problem is that its always somebody who thinks they are better than everbody else on the team and it shouldnt even be that way. When I think of cheerleading I think of a sister hood that brings up there team and spread cheer to the fans not all this drama. Although Im glad and honored to call myself a cheerleader I don't want to deal with another season full of drama.
I got my uniform!!!!
So I finally got my uniform after trying it on, spinning around and repeatedly saying that I'm taking it home with me. She told me no a couple of times but I didnt give up. I think im really good at persuading people to get the things I want. I can talk my way out of a plethora of things especially being on punishment. I swear I can talk a two month punishment into a two week punishment in 5 minutes. I hope this characteristic will come in handy when I pursue a career. I still haven't showed my Aunt Tanya my uniform because I dont think she's going to like it because it's a fly away skirt and because of my long legs it looks really short.
So what your looking at is this packets that where given to mw to day and is due Thursday. NOW HOW IN HELL UNDER THE EARTH AM I GOING TO GET THIS DONE ON TOP OF THE 6 OTHERS CLASSES I HAVE!!!! Now its teachers like this that make me want to just give up. There is no way I'm going to get through this. In plus the group project that I feel like I'm doing by my self because I have lazy teammates. This is why I dont like group projects any way. I'm of off energy the candle is blown out aqnd I just don't have the fuel in the gas tank to keep the car on the road I think I need to pull over and take a break. This christmas break could not come any faster. I'm just ready to go to sleep or hibernate. I just need to go ghost for a little bit. Maybe take a trip to North Carolina for a couple of weeks.
So lately I've been feeling that AVID is becoming the monkey on my shoulder because it pushes me more than all my other classes. Also I have the pressure of maintaining my grades and being a student athlete and that get's tough sometimes. It takes a lot of energy and drive to be a student athlete and when I come home form practice all I want to do is ice my knees (tendonitis), do mmy homework, and go to bed. Doing this has caused my grades to slip just a little bit except, in AVID 12. I know I havent applied to 5 schools and right now I dont have the finances to do it becuase I have to come out of the pocket myself and I dont have a job. Also I usually update my blogs on Sunday because its my chill day. It gives me time to think about my week so I dont BS on my blogs. It's just becoming a little to much and I need a much little load.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
decorating the tree BY MYSELF. WHAT?
So today we went out to by a christmas tree and to my surprise my aunt and her husband is making me decorate it by myself. What kind of mess is that. Christmas is about the birth of christ and spending time doing stuff together as a family. The idea of this pisses me off to the up most highest level. I have no idea how to decorate a christmas tree. My mom never had one, all we did was put lights on the house and christmas day my mom would put our presents in the middle of the floor and let us go at them. I dont wanna do this it was her idea to get a tree anyway so I say let her do.
Many dreams
Every since season one of ANTM ( America's Next Top Model). I have always wanted to be a model. Not just any model but a swimsuit model and Tyra is my inspiration. When I look at younger pictures of Tyra it reminds me of myself. Tall, super skinny, sticks for legs, etc. The reason why I wanna be a swimsuit model is because I dont have to walk in high heels (hahahahahaha) and I get to have fun doing what I enjoy, wearing bikini's and If I play my cards right I could even keep the bikini's lol.

So I was tagged in this picture in facebook and I felt some type of way. Why was I tagged in this. That is not even my personality, well at least I dont think. But then I started to think of a friend that did remind me that girl in that picture. So I decided to show her thhis picture. She laughed so I dont think she got the message I was trying to send out to her. I hope when she goes home and think about this picture she get's my message and slows down. all of my friends back in North Carolina except one either are pregnant of have had a baby and I dont want her to end up like those girls. As young women its never intened to get pregnant so I really think it's important to protect yourself.
Wow still the same
So I was going through some pictures of myself and I came across this one. I had to me 13 years old and still being fat. I swear I was always caught eating food. No one understood how I could eat so much and be so small. I just shruged and continued to eat. This pictured also so reminded me of how far I've come. I was a fire ball that was always trying to defend herself because I felt like I had to. I was always evil and wouldnt let anyone get close to me to know how I felt inside. I'm so glad i've changed for the better. Yayyyyyyy!!!
Shift Happens
So watching that video in classcalled Shift Happens and it just made me feel like whats the point of even going to college. You spend tons of money on education when apparently its going to be old have way through you college carrer. That makes me not want to even go through the fight of the dog eat dog world. I'm terrified to the up most highest level. There are to many changes that Im going through right now to think about thye changes that are going to happen int the future. Maybe it just for the best.
Hanging with the deltas
So I went out with a few deltas to talk about college and pledging delta but what they dont know is I will not be pledging delta in college im pledging Zeta. It's not that I have anything against the deltas and what they stand for I just feel like there is more to experience. All the women in my family that pledged has been directed to Delta's and I refuse to continue this legacy. I want to stand out and be different.
Six a.m my mom coms in my room to say her goodbyes and as soon as she opens the door I feel the tears rolling down my face. she gives me a hug and tells me she loves me and as I try to maintain my composure i tell her I love her too and pray that they have a safe trip back. I think I definitely handle myself better then I did last year. Having my mom leave me was just a horrid feeling i couldnt stop crying and I cried the whole day. I cant even continue on this blog.......
Coloring my hair
So it's the day before my mom leaves and in order to take my mind off of it I kind of distance myself and try ssomething new so I color my hair. I really dont think its going to turn out right but it was just something to take my mind off my mom leave to go back to NC. I really hope I can go home for the summer before my life changes forever. The thought of that kind of scares me because I hate not knowing what my future holds, but I mean I hope I make the best of it.
Favorite chocolates!!!!!!
So my mom must have channeled how upset I was because she bough me chocolate and it's my all tie favorite. I dont undestand how she knew I was upset because I'm really good at hidding my emotions. I do iy all the time for that matter. I guess its a mother thing or either she know that the day when she leave is approaching fastly and she just wants to comfort me with these chocolates. I hate even thinking about the day when she leaves I'm just depressed the whole day. And it's like you never know what's going to happen on that ride home. My mom always told me I have to stop thinking of the worst and think of the best in each situation.
Nail shop
As most of you should kniow im really big on my nails so i enjoy going to the nails shop to get ther B-E-A-utified. I couldnt get a picture of my mom's nail because she wanted to get to what I call the money dumping place (casino) My mom really enjoys gambling, why? I have no idea. Thiswas the night I was dreading becuase I wanted her to stay home with me so I can be all up under her all night but that was not her plan. she knows I'm a big baby, she could go to the casino any other time. I guess you can tell im the baby, because she has spoiled me gave me all the attention I could ever want or need and has really gotten hard lately because she feels like I'm older so I dont need her attention anymore and that is not true. I did stay home and pout all night and was really up set when I woke up but I really tried to maintain the realaxed atmosphere but i was really upset with her.
Gifts from above
So I am happy to say that because I recived awesome grades I recieved the most important that would out shine almost any gift I would recieve in life which is a pure gold bangal. The reason why i say this is because my Aunt Dot from North Carolina also came up to visit me for the holidays. She is the aunt that likes to travel all over the world and collect gold bangals from different places. My siblings and I have always wanted Aunt Dot to give us one of her gold bangals and I am the first to actually recieve one. Yes, My siblings envy me but she said out of all of my siblings, I truely deserve it and that makes me feel like I"m doing everything right. Which equal a plus in my eyes. Literally +)
Every time I look at this picture it makes me smile because she is sucha character like myself. It's really hard to be away from her becuase she has just taught me so much and how to be strong and ti have her come stay for a few days is just a feeling of warmth. When I here my friends talk about how much they cant wait to graduate so they can get away from their mother just makes me shake my had because they dont know how it true feels not being around there mother for months at a time. That's why its so hard to see her leave. The next time i'll see my mom is for my graduation, that's a really long time from now. I try to make her vaction as peace anda relaxing as I can because my mom stresses out to the highest level. Im taking her out to get a full manicure and pedicure to help her relax. I love her so much!!!!!!!!
The day before
The day before my mom comes takes for ever to end. It's like timje caant move fast enough and I cant take it. Unfortunatly I had to miss the first day of practice before i had a dentist appointment, and I feel horrible. I feel like there is so much to learn. Although I am a fast learner and I have experience as a cheerleader, there are so many different styles of cheerleading. I really hope I can showcase the style that they have embodied (spell check) instead of staying in my comfort zone which I have a serious problem with. So when I went to thye dentist today I thought I was just getting my teeth cleanned and that was it. Come to find out, the last dential assistant that cleanned my teeth do not do such a great job causing me to go through a great deal of pain. After crying my little eyes out I made it through that horrid pain and she had the nerve to ask me to come back. SIKE!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
UMES vs Hampton
I attened a volleyball game at Coppin university and what I didnt realize about college volleyball is that its very intense but they always kept smiling. In the second match the scored ended with 11 to 25 which showed that hampton didnt let the game get them down they still stayed positive and played hard and thats what inspires me to become a better volleyball player. After UMES got the win I but into the volleyball coach at coppin while leaving. Good think I was wearing my New Town Volley tshirt. We had a long talk and she wants me to come play for her yayyy. Also she wants me to play club so i start club ball in january.
I made the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I did awesomly at the official tryouts. Varsity tried out in a group of five meaning that each one of us had to call out a cheer but I was ready. Then came the dance proportion. I was a little nervous but i got through it without any mistakes. The we went through motions and jumps and i came out scoring a 19/20 yayyyyyyyy. My mom said she knows im going to look cute in that skirt with my little twig legs lol. I can't wait until she gets her on tuesday sii she can see me in my uniform. To bad I can't receive it on Monday, my aunt decided to ruin my life once again and schedule a dentist appointment on that day.
3rd day of tryouts
So the day I was most excited for. After reviewing the motions and the cheer we learned the dance. At first I could not get that dance for nothing in the world. It took we the whole time to get the dance down packed ugh. Then when I got home I kept messing up and was afraid that I wasn't going to have down enough to make the team but I didnt give up. I'm really nervous about the official tryout four people have to get cut becuase there can only be 20 people on the team and 2 alternates.
2nd day of tryouts
We were told that we were going to learned a dance but we actually ended up stunting. I never stunted be for so my awesome teacher amber ( my second favorite atlas member) taught me how to back spot. I was a little skeptical at first because, I've never back spotted anyone before but, after doing it repeatedly I became use to it.
surprise surprise lol
Surprise everyone, Bonita is trying out for cheerleading, although I really wanted to hoop. I can't play basketball becuase my aunt and coach got into it last year so she think she has something over her. Anyway, The first day of try outs was very easy. We went through all the motions, jumps, and learned cheers. Cheerleading is really simple, espeacially when you play a plethora of sports like I do. The thing is, with cheerleading, I used a group of muscles i haven't used in about 2 years.
Coppin camps tour
So I went on a campus tour at Coppin state. I knew the campus is small but once seeing it, it was bigger than i expected. The thing that really through me off was that it's in the inner city it doesnt feel that way, No one walks through the campus or anything like that. Once we got to the dorms and the tour guide Shannel told us that the doors were co ed meaning one room can be all girls and the room next door could be all boys, my aunt did not agree with that lol. All I could do was laugh. After th tour I meet with the dean of the nursing school, Mr. Best and he should me the facilites. So i think im really considering Coppin if, Penn State York doesnt work out
church time!!
today i went to church as i do every sunday but today I spent my time in the nursery. The nursery is for childern under four. They usually play for an hour eat a snack and continue their play time but today, we took them to the park i didnt even know we had behind our church.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Black college Expo
For starters i didnt know Expo was short for exposure smh. Today was a really good day for me. I was accepted in both Coppin State Unversity and FSU. I was really excited knowing that I wasnt going to be a bum. I say this because I didn't feel like i was going to have any money to put towards apps for colleges because nobody at home wants to help besides my mom and she has her own financial problems to take care of. I received tons of helpful information and was so happy that I came prepared. I was offered to join SGA at FSU because of my take charge attitude lol.. I'm actually going on a campus visit at Coppin State on Monday at 10. Im looking forward to this vist since I've been accepted. Now I really have to pay attention and ask lost of questions.
slowly getting better
Every since I faild the first 4 quizes and test in AP bio I've been meeting with Mr. covert once a week to go over what we went over in class. I feel like its helping alot. He's not only helping me to understand the material to pass the test bur he's also making me realize alot about myself that I never knew. Like whenn i find something challanging I'll shy away from it when deep down inside I actually do understand and know what I'm doing. Also he help me realize that i doubt myself. He thinks that i can pass the AP bio exam but me on the other hand, I wasnt even thinking about taking the AP test. Yes i have been really mean to Mr. Covert but out of all my teacher besides Dona he has been awesome to me and has grown on me a little bit lol
A fustrating afternoon
Lately I've been having trouble grasping the concepts needed to solve college algebra based questions so i decided to meet with Mr. Daniels so that we can discuss the problems given to us for homework. Unfortunatley he couldnt stay very long. So i start walking home from school remembering my aunt to me she didnt have the car. Walking from New Town to Kings Park Estates is a very long walk. So once I got close to home I was very tired and aggrivated. Once I get down the street leading to my house I notice the car sitting infront if the house and i almost turned into the devil himself. I called my mom immediately to blow off some stem (she always has the power to calm me down). What I dont understand is why are you pissing me off on purpose im not the same person from last year im not going to fight with you smh.
lazy and tired
I find myself getting lazy and more lazy as the school year continues to go by. its getting harder and harder to incorporate these blogs into my daily routine because i find myself off schedule. One thing i have realized is, when I'm involed with sports I keep myself on a schedule and i think thats what im going to have to do. Doing sports keeps me motivated and focus and once the volleyball season ended the load became unbalanced causing my grades to slip and slide around.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Making a change
The National Mulitiple Sclerosis Society finally sent me m package so tht I can get the messsage out about mulitple sclerosis. I decided to volunteer to get the message about MS because I never hear people talking about it. I dont think its becuase they dont care but, mainly because they dont know and this is why Im handing out information about it to all th staff at New Town. I hope I can rely on them to help me spread the word about MS because it very important.
So once again we watch one of those motvation videos about TGIM but in reality I will never be happy on a Monday. The one thing I dont undrstand is why do you have t repeat yourself 12 times to get your point acrosswe heard you the first two times you said it sheesh. I know he only gave 3 poweful points but, I recived four.
Easy Like Sunday Morning.
I love it when sunday comes. Its always synbolizes the completion of another stressful week and also sybolizes that I'm another week closer to becoming a high school graduate. My church is a place where i can let all my fustrations go which usually is wrapped round my aunt and how she handles situations. My aunt is not the easist person to live or get along with and this is why I am so glad that I cango tochurch and just pray to God that He keeps me on the right track so that I can remain graceful and civilized. Sometimes she just makes me want to bring the old me out but, I refuse to bring that devil child back.
An unhappy saturday
Instead of going to the home coming game like I planned my aunt Tanya decided to be an unstabled creature (think of the movie Baby Boy) and made me go to my Youth S.T.R.I.V.E meeting instead. Youth S.T.R.I.V.E is a ministry at my church that helps educate high school junoirs and seniors through speakers who provide lesson plans and speeches to help prepare for college. This week we encountered a lesson on politics from a professor form Johns Hopkins. I really am politically stupid in which most young people are put after hearing his lecture I definitely understand th importance of politics.
So on our dy off I decided to spend some time wth thomas. Everybody is pressuring us and telling us th we should go out but what everybody doesnt understand isthatme and thomas hve a connect that doesnt need to be push into a relationship. Its like we're more than friends but we aren't at that stage of relationship. Although I love that picture he has on his blog of us, and we look really cute together, we aren't going any further than what we are. To be honest I dont know what we are lol.
The pep rally was really great and I enjoyed myself. It was much better than last years. Better music, dancing, cheering, and just the attitude of the pep rally was just amazing. It makes me feel proud to call myself asenoir and as I looked from section to section of the 9th, 10th, and 11th grades It made me realize the jounrney I went through to reach my senior year. This is why I took so much pride in makng my shirt for our senior blackout we were suppose to have but not to many people went along with it.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
The excitement of being a senoir!!!!
To start off my post I would like to congradulate the senoirs on their W today. Amber was throwing juniors every where. Ericka made the first touchdown and many others were handling business now to show my creation
I super pumped for this pep rally tomorrow. All the seniors are suppose to wear black for the senior blackout and im ready. This pep rally is going to be so hype. I wonder what the danceteam and the cheerleaders are going to do for this pep rally well I guess I have to wait lol #senior class of 2012 we out chea lol
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
the under cover bonita
Today I stayed after school with dona and she made me realize alot about myself. I looked at myself as something special. I know I've been through alot but I dont like to showcase it because I dont want people to feel bad and pitty me. I want people to based my impression on them from what they experience being around me. Dona made me feel like it was okay to have issues such having a learning disorder or coming from an unusal background. She says you have to own it, well I've been hiding it this whole time. I know alot of people think dona makes us do things just to do them but in reality, dona can teach us a plethira of great things. I love that dona makes herself availible to us whenever we need her and she makes sure she brings out the best in her AVID scholars =)
Monday, October 31, 2011
The day that has opened my eyes.
So today was a day that I really needed to experience. I recieved not one, not two, but three letters of recommendations and after reading them it makes me feel really good about myself. All these letters truely opened my eyes to things that I didnt even know I had within myself. They've shown that from the time I stepped in the front door of high school I've changed. I have been through a journey that I didnt evem ealize I went through. As a freshman I felt like it was going to take me forever to become a senior, but time has definitely flew. It scares me a little to realize that im leaving the safety of high school and entering the world of greater responsibilty. I thought I was ready to leave but in reality, I'm not. I have a habit of hidding my emotions behind my smile and my outgoing, take charge personality. I need to showcase that I am terrified so these under classman especially te ones in AVID that its not a easy road to travel. It's a lot of responsibility that you have to take on. I love being a senior but its a lot of work and takes focus.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Random act of kindness
Im not aloud to have my phone in church so i coul take a pic =(
Usually when you find mony on the ground, your first though is yes I found money. Well today at church this elderly lady drop a $100 dollar bill on the ground and didnt notice it. I was so tempted to keep that money but insteaded I caught up to her and gave her the money. I really wanted to keep it but I was in the house of the lord so I thought it would be right lol.
Senoir portrait proofs
So my senoir portrait proofs came in today and im excited to order them. I remember the day we took senior portraits was caotic. Mu hair didnt trnout right, Ididnt ge enough sleep that night, and I had to run to Giant to get eye liner and mascara. I didnt have any earring on and I had to borrow tezerea's. I'm glad they turned out very well. I'm ready take our cap and growns even though that gold does not agree with me lol. I'll make it work being that im modeling material.
Ugh!!!! So my aunt decided to mak me angry as she does ocasionally. I planned to go to the movies with Angela and I told her on Friday that was planning to go. She said the reason why couldnt go was because I wasnt doing my homework. I ried to explain to he that I am doing my homework but the reason why I had zeros was because Mr. Daniels believes I'm letting others copy my hmework. I told her he is alowing me to stay after school so that I can fix my grades but she did want to hear it. So once again I spent my weekend inthe house as I do many weekends and thats starting to anger me even more.
From the first day I met this youg lady I knew she needed a sister like figure in her life that knew a little more than she did and was going through somethings. I tried to mentor her and stay by her and guide her the best way I know how but today was the day I decided that there is nothing else I can do. Today she decided to be the type of person she's not. She decided to do things that would make people start seperating themselves from her and I dont blame them. I use to call this girl my little sister but she makes me regret ever meeting her. She makes me sick to my stomach with the decisions she makes for herself and I hope she gets a serious wake up call. Ever time I try to tell her decision that is in her best intrest she wants to make an argument and I'm so tired of aruging with her that I just give up. I feel bad that she isn't make te best decisions for herself but what can I do? I did all I can do in the begining and now..... IM TIRED.
nothing nothing nothing
I have no picture for this blog.
So absolutely nothing happened. I woke up late, I came to school, went home and slept all day. This is the first day in a long time that I havent have anything happen. sorry so short but nothing.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
A day full of good news
So today has been the best day I have had in aery long time. I just feel like everything is falling into place and it's starting to become alot easier. Little do I know there is so much more that needs to be done. So I recieve some really good news. The coach from Penn State finally ended the game of phone tag with my uncle and got down to handling business. She told my uncle that she is very intrested in me and enjoys the way I play. She also stated that she wishes that there where six of me to come play for her in which I thought was a tad bit weirod. This news really blew me away because I've only been play for two years and I feel like I still have time to develope. I also never imaged that I would be attending college on an athletic scholarship because I didnt get recruited my junior year. I feel really blessed to have such an amazing family to push me into stepping out of my comfort zone because if it wasnt for them I wouldnt be receiving this amazing opportunity. I just feel really good and look forward to visiting the campus at Penn State really soon!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
First Themis Meeting
Today was our first Themis meeting!!!!!. I was both excited and nervous al at th same time. It felt like we were all being looked up to and to see that we've been in there footstep it makes me feel really old. Like I really feel old. But was really unorganized and I hop we have learned from this meeting so that our next meting will be so much better but I did havefun wit my group of under classmen
Senoirits is really staring to kick me in he booty
Sleepy ugly as my little brother say lol but he's absolutely right. All I've been wanting to do is sleep. As most other call it thesenoiritis isnt ajoke like it really makes you want to crash. Now that vollybal is over I definietly come home and take a nice nap. Naps are my best friend as of right now but senoiritis is startigto cause me to sleep a little in my grades ad that can't happen. I'm really trying hard to fight through it but its justlike the devil, it keeps coming after me and pulling me to fall asleep and become lazy. Maybe I can fight it like I've been fighting the devil, with the words of the bible. Is there something I can do to get rid of? If so PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!!!
Gospel Tabernacle Live broadcast
When it comes to church I wouldnt miss it for the world, but whnen imunabl to make it I always watch the live broad cast on my laptop. Church has been a key part of how I'v been brought up and is something I don play about. God has done so much for me and has so much instore for me that I feel its not an option to attend church. Alot of m peers probably feel like they have so much time to get close to God but what they might not understand is that tommorow is not promised. So that'swhy I serve my good every sunday, so that I can get closer to God.
An unexpected call!!!
Durng the senoir game I received a call from coach burgess for Penn State York. She called on the regards that sh ant m to come up and visit the campus. This call was so out of the blue amd unexpected that I didnt even know how to react to it. I missed the call anyway but My uncle is keping in contact with her and we are scheduling a visit to Penn State very soon. So I'm very excited about this opportunity. Sometimes it feels so unreal but im very thankful. I guess this is God way of letting me know he most absolutly has a plan for me and Im excited to see how my future is going to turn out.
Buffalo Wild wings with Angela
Disappointed by how full Owings Mills movie was, Angela, Our license (chris) and I, went to Buffalo wild wings and had so much fun. After receiving our food Angela decided to try the all time hottes wing sauce of all time after I specficallly told her not to. I had to waved down the waitress in order to "save her life". After leaving buffalo wild wings we went to wal-mart and payed around lol. it was good to get out.
Senoir game!!!!!!
So I experience then senoir game and that experience was over-whelming. As soon as I walked in the gym and so all the posters on the wall it hit me that this was my last game of my highschool career and thats when I began to tear up. All the JV players were like aw dont cry but that just increase the emotions. It was really hard to hold my tears back durig the game and even though we lost I still enjoyed the time we had on the court as a family
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