Thursday, September 29, 2011
I did my nails!!!!!!!!! (acrylic of course)
So I decided to try doing acrylic nails, and yes, Its definitely hrder than it looks. But I manage to take on the chalange. I would have definitely been better if i would have invested in a nail file dill but that will have to come later. i think it turned out very well but I will get better. Hopefully by christmas i'll be a pro but i guess we'll just have to see!!!!

Volleyball Warm-ups!!!!!!!
So im really excited that we FINALLY got our volleyball warm-ups. Although we only recieve the jackets, it still feels good to know what are money went to and I think it was worth it, my aunt on the other hand, feel like she has been ripped off and she wants her money back . Now that we all have these jackets i feel that now we can look more like we belong to th volleyball team. Yea, our jerseys say that but with our jersey, the jacket, and the pants, we look more like a team!!!!!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
UGH!!!! verizon is slipping
So this is the eigth tie in two weeks that the Verizon wireless worker have been to my house to restore their services. He the guy thats i was a real creep because I took a picture of him with the flash on lol. I also asked him why was his shirt blue when Verizon is represented by the red check abd he got smart so i decieded oto come do my blog. I'm overly joyed to let you know that we are coverting back to direct TV, because Verizon needs to step it up. Well let me finish my hommwork before it pops out again!!!!!! >:(
My new hobbie
So I decided to pick up a new hobbie!!!!!!!!! Its a really awesome stress reliever and it helps me to develope a little pocket change in my "senoir purse" as my mom calls it. It was kind of a natural experience, I must say that I caught on really quick. As a child I remember my momwa never the best hair dresser so she always relied on my older sister to do my hair so I definitely grew up around it. Last night my cousin's wife who is also not the best hair dresser as well asked me to do her daughters hair in pony tales but i decieded to take a risk to see my hidden talents and this is what happened. So all in all im realy exccited about m new creation and hopefuly I can build upon this. I woner what's my next money maker? Nails?!?!?!?!?! Guess we'll have to see!!!!!!
Senoir year!!!
The stress of senior years has definetely started. I'm always tired (as youcan tell from the bags under my eyes) because of the pressure of being a student athlete and having alot of homework to do after games a or practice. I've also been stressed out because college is aproaching a little too fast for me and i having been filling out any scholarships or any of the esasy on the common app and I definitely need to become more active. I always tlly litle brother that he needs to acquire the personality of a AVID scholar but really I havent been doing it myself I really need to step my game up because if not I will not be successful. I need to prosper and become better leader and role model that I should be.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
So due to Verizon cable, internet and phone package deal service i havent had those three components in three days. I really hope this doesnt effect my grade. Those peoleho worl for verizon is very low and work on there time except on the time of those who are PAYING!!!!!!!! them!!! well know that my problems are fixed I can be back to blogging
The rudest house of them all
Boy have w gotten our-selves in to a jam. Creating a house of students who over talk those who are in the and those around them. I personally think that the house of atlas have definitely taking this competition a little to far. Thats all i really have to say about them. Although I love most ofthe people that make up that group, together, they're are just soemthing can't deal with!!!!!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
My Awesome AVID Family!!!!!!
Tonight was just a very inspirational night for me. To be able to sit back an watch all those who will be climbing the steps to success and looking up to me as a role model givese a feelng i just cant explain. To have my little brother, Austin Dews, who is also in the same house ( House of Themis) as me just tells me that I've inspired him to become something more than just a student-athlete but also to think more high of himself. I wanted him to come to high school taking advance course and becme te diligent worker I've become and that's what he has definitely shown me. Overall the AVID induction was a complete success. I came in the induction excited and anxious to see what Dona and the whole AVID cite team came up with. This AVID induction make me look forward to the senoir farewell because Dona is always coming up with new and creative things to make each year better and unexpected.
The hard fight
Yesterday's game against chesapeake definitely showed the fight and the heart in my teammates in which i've never seen before. I made be definitely be proud of being a lady titan and have such amazing and determined teammates. This was our first time that I could remember ever going to the fifth match, and with that last match we were not going home with out fighting for that W. During the last point with the score 25 to 26, having to go to 27 to win, the ref decided to make a unreasonable call saying tat my teammate Mishawn #2 went under the net when she obviously did which resulted into us receiving the L. Although we did lose, I was still very proud of my lady titans LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
A helping hand
So, I received a unexpecing email from a member of the admissions board at Coppin State University ( number one pick!!!!!!!!!!). It wa kind of like she eadmy mind because every question I had she answered it. Then I received a text message scheduling a time that she wanted t sit dow with me and go over somethings.Then I found out that she was apart of the Delta sorrority and was on the line with my cousin in law so, I guess she let her know I was interested in attending Coopin. Well I'm really glad that there are other people who want to help me pursue my carrer in nursing and become successful. Now te get in contact with the coach sothati can see what I need to do to acquire a scholarship in my favorite sport of all VOLLEYBALL!!!!!!!!!!!
My little baby!!!!!!!
My baby's name is Christina Ariana Robinson and has been in my care for three months. I am definitely too attached to christina. She sleeps in the bed with me I tell her good morning when i wake up and she has a password on her to protect her from those who try to look at her stored information. Sounds a little crazy huh? well that what my aunt Tanya said too. She doesnt like the fact that from the time I get home to the time I fall asleep minus the shower time I'm on my laptop. I feel as though, I'm the one who purchased it with my own money by working hard over the summer. No one help me to purchase it and it was not cheap. I should be able to be one it when ever I want to. But to not be disrspct i just be the bigger person and just do as she says. Anyone who knows me know that me and my aunt dont have the best relationship so I do what i can to keep everything settle.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
My Superman!!!!!!!!!
Talk about smeone who is a superhero this guy right here is the all time best.
We have so much in common that it makes me so mad and he finds it amusing. We spend a lot of time on the phone and oovoo because he lives all the way in NY. He always knows the right things to say to help me get out of any situation and that's why i say he's my super hero even though I'm just too stubborn to listen. Little does know, he plays a huge roll in helping get to college and im trying to keep it that way (shhhhhhh). On the other hand i've known stephen for what is now 4 years and I dont know what I would do without his awesome advice, comforting words and most imprtantly, his love!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU STEPHEN!!!!! :)
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Startng the college life early
So I just got invited out to a COLLEGE PARTY!!!!!!! by a few girls from the Zeta Phi Beta sorrority at Coppin, so I thought I should get on my model status. I'm really excited. I feel like a kid in a candy store. I dont really know exactly what to expect and thats what makes nervous. Well that's them beeping out side so I guess I must leave hope all goes well. I'll be pouring myself into bed by 3, but I dont care. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chicken liver enzymes and peroxide
The smell of chicken liver in the morning was something i wasnt really expecting but the lab was exilerating once we got through all the stress and chaos. Trying to gather all the supplies and figure out the instruction was stressful. During this lab we had to time how long it took for the peroxide to react to the chicken liver enzymes. It really did take long at all . Although i never seen myself as the leader of the group I had to ttake charge and I felt so out of my element. Besides that it was an excellent experiment and i enjoyed every minute of it.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
A hope in the unseen socratic seminar relection
That socratic seminar today was both heated and interesting, but all circles flowed together.I never really enjoy socratic seminars because I absolutely hatebeing out on the stop and hate when iatuly ave a comment or a point to address I'm always talked over or cut off. The House of Atlas in each group dominated the circles and as the house of leaders I though they would be the onenwho would allow everyone in their circle to get involved but, they were to busy talking over each other and everyone else in the circle althogh the had really good points. I know the next socratic semiar is really going to be a sight to see mainly because we're doing the socratic seminar with our fellow house mates. I think today's socratic seminar was a success even though I still dont really enjoy having them!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME :-( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lately if been feeling disturbingly depressed. I smile, laugh, and joke to hide it but when i get home th depress feeling, reoccurs. I think I'm going through TMS ( teenage menopause syndrome). I have never been this depress in my life, and I have absolutely nothing to b depress about. I mean I am going through a lot of stress dealing with trying to adapt to the work-load, the advance classes and the unneccessary work that I dont feel need to be done. Ugh, I hate feeling this way and I definitely need to change it, ASAP!!!!!!!! On the other hand we did beat overlea tonight so I'm happy about that. So maybe tomorrow will be a better.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
My team, My family
This is a group full of amazing, sophisticated, intellectual, talanted, young women that bring out the best in each other. We lift each other up when making mistakes and we keep each other working hard to better our selves. My team is a very important element in my highschool carreer because after the season we are still able to obtain the same relationship we developed duting the season and thats why I feel I can call these girls my sisters. I think our relationship as grown as a family even with the new editions. Our team has grown so much closer together than the team we had last year. I think the leaders last year were actual leaders and thats what caused all the discord among my team. Now that we have an awesome captain and I am proud to call myself a titan
Monday, September 12, 2011
I got the bug :-(
The bug decied to come out and play with my stomach and head this morning. From the unbearable headache pain to the uncontrolable stomach cramps. Today is just not my day. I tried to the best of my abilities to stick it out because missing school to me is something I absolutey hate to do. I'm feeling a little better now that i've gotten some food in my system.That's why eatig breakfast and getting enough sleep is very important. Without sleep your body is constantly running on energy that need to be recharged life a cll phone, and without breakfast ( the charger) it's going to cause you to feel sick, become nauseous, and maybe vomit (like I did :( ) All are symptoms that aren't a joy to go through so i would recomend everybody to get lots of sleep and eat breakfast. Well I hope I can kick this bug in the booty so that I can attend school tomorrow. ITS SO BORING WITHOUT SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
AVID Induction I.D.
Bonita Robinson has been a part of the New Town AVID family for what is now two years, but has been a part of the AVID family since the eighth grade. Prior to her move to Maryland from North Carolina she was enolved in a plethora of extracurricular activites such as the varsity and junior varsity basketball program, medicats which is group of promising teens who are interested in medicine that volunteer at the hospital, the AVID club and has volunteered with the Special Olympics organization for three years . Here at New Town, Bonita has been apart of the National Art Honors Society and both the volleyball and basketball varsity program. Bonita has the tenacity to succeed and obtain her dream to become a RN while also minoring in massage therapy and play college volleyball. She has her heart set on Coppin State University but is also applying to North Carolina Central University, University of Baltimore, Fayetteville State University, York College, and North Carolina A&T. Bonita is very determined to succeed and believes with hard work, focus and determination, all can be obtainable and accessible.
After breakfast Saturday morning, my aunt Tanya, uncle Keith and I began to discuss college. I notified them that my heart was definitely set on Coppin State so I had no other schools in mind. Then arrived the question if the SAT. After a long and harsh battle with my aunt i finally convinced her to let me take the SAT in Novembe,r with the help of my uncle on the side. My uncle then notified me that the government is now putting HBCU's on the back burner and are now pumping a lot of money into community colleges. So much money that you could recieve a full ride to a community college. Even though I told him that wasnt in my plans, he's absolutely right. I rather have a full ride to a community college then half to pay for necessities I didnt have to pay for. Well now I have to take community colleges into consideraton. There is so much money out there, you just have to have the tenacity to go find it and that's exactly what I have.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Titan v.s Millers
Today's game was one of the most gut wrenching games of my life. Being close in every match made the game so much more intense. It seemed like it was a back and forth battle with them like we were playing our on teamates. It was like we were at the same skill level. Unfortunately we made more mistake then the millers did which caused us to lose today's game. The biggest problem for me were getting my serves over and controling my passes which are all things I need to work on. All though we lost by a few points in the matches we lost, I still commend my team for not getting down on themselves when they made mistakes and keep cheering to keep the energy hype. I love my team so much!!!!!!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
I hate brain farts!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brain storming about what to right my college essay about is so tough to the point that it's fustrating. I've neve been so unsure about writtig in my life because that's my strong suit. It also makes me nervous because, i dont wan my essay to be the reason why I'm not accepted. I'm not sure how much weight your essay carry but it's kind of like your first impression. I want my first impression to portray as this young lady who has such a sophisticated vernacular, who is creative and outgoing, and definitely knows how to grabs someones attention. I dont want my essay to be just like everyone elses, I want mine to stand out and be one of the best essays written. Well I better start........ Problem is, I don't know where to begin!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
A hard days work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes!!!! we received that beautiful W today. After coach lifted our spirits by telling us yestersday game was just a scrimage, I just erased that whole experience from my mind. We definitely played our hearts out today, we didnt give up and we didnt beat ourselevs down when we messed up. I know after having countiues serves over and getting my first ace of the season was just glourious. Not only am I proud of myself for having such a commendable game, but Im also proud of my teammates. Good job Lady Titans I'm proud of you!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
After game thinking
Ugh, starting our season with the an L sucks but like my inspirational captain said this L makes her want to practice, work, and player harder, which motivates me to do so much better. I believe we all should have that attitude, because if not, its not going to be a fun season. After the game I began thinking about my near future.I began to wonder where should I begin first. I'm so confused and feel like a lost puppy that needs to be guided and held my the paw. After volleyball season, I have to dedicate all of my time to scholarship hunting, grades, and putting in college applications and while I'm sitting here thinking about, it makes me stress. I haven't even started yet and I seen little gray hairs sprouting from being vexed and stressed. Well, I know for a fact that I have a supportive tam on my side which is my wonderful AVID family!!! And having them makes everything so much better. Love You Guys!!!!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Lessons are meant to be learned
Ugh, spent my whole day getting my hair done. The price of being beautiful I guess. I planned to actually send my SAT scores to Coppin, but due to the tardiness of my hair dresser, I'm just getting home. I was a little nervous about sending them off anyway, but its definitely time to get over that feeling. There are operations I want to do in the near future so as my uncle said earlier, " Your out of the stage of childhood, it's time to move on to adulthood". The idea of that is just terrifying to me but he's right time to grow up and take charge.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
The Almigthy, The Merciful, The Protector and Deliever
Ahhh, Sunday's. Most students enjoy the Friday's and Saturday's but to me Sunday's are the ultimate paramount. Sunday's are my days to relieve all the stress, doubts, and worries that I already have coming into my senoir year. God is the most powerful tool that I have on my tool belt. He's the one who has the power to place me where I need to be and guide me in the right direction. As a teenage I can't allow myself to get so wrapped up in the world that I forget about my purpose and what God keeps me on this earth to do.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Handy Dandy Notes-Board
During the last two weeks of my summer, I began to think about tools other than my agenda that would remind me of deadlines, homework assgnments, and activities that I needed to do on my own time in a more creative way. While school supply shopping one day, I came across a white board, and that's when the gears in my brain started turning and creative juices began to flow. I etsablished the idea of using different color markers for each class and for outside of school activites. When disucssing with my aunt about the various ideas I had about the board, she thought my idea would be very beneficial.
Friday, September 2, 2011
And the caos begins!!!!!!!!
Today we began thinking about where we all stood in our " Quest to Success". I personally realized that, I knew exactly what I want to do but, wasn't sure where I should start. This is why I'm ecstatic to have such a prodigious AVID family. Within my AVID family I can aquire all the neccessary tools that I need so that I too may become successful. I also realized today that I wasnt alone, and that most of my AVID family wasn't sure where to start, what they wanted to major in, or what college they the wanted to attend. This is where my journey, our journey as a family beginngs, and all the caos thats comes along with it.
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